We can’t imagine what glittery spectral dream possessed them to create this singularly shiny timepiece, but it’s like looking at the sun. The second most expensive women’s wristwatch ever made is breathtakingly coated in natural colored diamonds that are beyond compare. Of course, for $25,000,000, we’d expect nothing less. However, all that razzle-dazzle comes with a whole lot of weight as well. Wearing this watch requires wrist strength as well as a hefty bank account.

In the world of diamonds, if you exclude the many crowns and tiaras, which account for a vast percentage of the world’s most expensive diamond jewelry, few things are in the same class as this watch. For those seeking to look like the Chopard 201-Caret Watch from head to toe, we can suggest a handful of options.

The incomparable glimmer of the diamonds on the 201 is astounding, so is the sheer quantity. D Color is a colorless or clear diamond of exceptional quality, and the rest are described by color name and cut as well as their carat weights. The breathtaking total is eight hundred and seventy-four individual stones. 

• 3 Heart Shaped Diamonds- Flawless Fancy Pink (15.37 carats), VS2 Fancy Blue (12.79 carats) & Flawless D-Color (11.36 carats) 
• 3 Pear Shaped Diamonds- Natural Fancy Intense Yellow (8.45 carats altogether) 
• 26 Pear Shaped Diamonds- Natural Fancy Intense Yellow (17.07 carats altogether) 
• 48 Round Cut diamonds- Natural Fancy Yellow (8.81 carats altogether) 
• 91 Round Cut Diamonds- Flawless D color (10.29 carats altogether) 
• 260 Pear Shaped Diamonds- Flawless D color (60.94 carats altogether) 
• 443 Diamonds- Natural Fancy Intense Yellow (4.95 carats altogether) 

The rest of the watch is made up of gold. This design utilizes both yellow and white gold to help bring out the natural beauty of each stone depending on what best suits it. From the settings to the watch itself and even the band, this watch is all elegance.

When you first look at the 201, it distracts you with its beauty. The strategic stone placements of the designer are lost in the bedazzling whole. In fact, it does this so well that you need to study it a while before you begin to see the individual stones and their arrangement truly. The center is always meant to draw the eye, and it does that perfectly. Doubtless, this watch is an incredible timepiece in addition to its other qualities, and whoever wears it will always be punctual with such a delicately framed watch face. However, around the band, the pear and circle cut diamonds are not arranged randomly as they first appear.

When it comes to dazzling diamond watches, no watch on earth matches the 201 for sheer brilliance. The beauty of a single diamond is enough to captivate the heart. People have been obsessed with this near-unbreakable stone since they first saw it, and anyone who sees this wristwatch will be simply mesmerized at the breathtaking glimmer.